6 Essentials for Your Artificial Intelligence Resume

A.I. is a rapidly growing industry. A ton of jobs formerly done by people have been outsourced to robots and computers. But there’s no reason to worry, because these losses have been offset by the growth of jobs in A.I. However, to get a job in A.I. you need a fairly impressive skill set, and a resume that properly demonstrates that skill set to a potential employer. Here are six essentials for your artificial intelligence resume.


Knowledge of A.I. Underpinnings


“Working in A.I. requires a very unique set of skills and knowledge. Data management, programming, business development, and technology platforms are all things you need to master,” advises Harry Jones, resume editor at EliteAssignmentHelp. There are so many different scenarios you’ll find yourself in on the job, so you need these skills under your belt. Your chances will greatly improve if you’re competent with things such as natural language processing (NLP), security architecture, APIs, data analysis, and search technologies.


A Strong Computer Science Background


To get a job in A.I you need to be skilled at building and maintaining software. But you also need to be good at analyzing and understanding data, using open source, and have a good knowledge of supporting programming languages and coding. Look at the job posting you’re applying to and research the company, so you can tailor your resume and aim it at the specifics of the position and the company’s needs. Will the job require you to use Microsoft Azure? Well then be sure to specifically mention how competent you are with cloud and custom R and Python coding.


Competency with Python, C, C++ and Java


You are going to need to be familiar with some programming languages if you want to be considered for a job in A.I. If you have a background in engineering then you’ve likely got plenty of experience with languages such as Python, C, C++ and Java. But what if you come from a different background, such as statistics and don’t know much about programming? No problem, you’ll just need to play a little catch up and learn these languages. In your free time you can learn these skills online and work on open source projects; that kind of thing looks great on your resume.


Familiarity with Machine Learning Algorithms


Machine learning is becoming one of the most valuable knowledge sets in A.I. It has a wide range of cutting-edge applications that have made it essential to purposes such as data-driven hiring. Combined with your knowledge of programming languages, you’ll be able to implement other inbuilt libraries for open use. If you want to learn, or maybe just improve, you can go to places like Experfy, Kaggle, CNTK, TensorFlow, or ApacheSpark’s MLib. Knowledge of machine learning algorithms can help you get a good job with companies involved with machine learning and A.I. in their business intelligence process.


Physics and Robotics


Robotics is a big part of A.I., so if you have knowledge and experience with it be sure to highlight that in your resume. If you don’t have this in your background, even a short course in robotics can really give your chances a big boost. A.I. is a demanding field because it involves so many different skills and knowledge sets, so you should have a strong background in math, physics, and engineering. One very specific, yet important thing to A.I. companies is sensors.

Tools and Resources to Write a Winning Resume


Your resume is a representation of yourself and your skills. It’s crucial that you write it well and without errors, in order to make a good impression. Hone your writing skills by using these useful tools:


#1. ViaWriting and MyWritingWay – Use these grammar resources to check over your resume before submitting it anywhere. Poor use of grammar is a red flag and will get your resume deleted.


#2. Resumention – This is a great resume writing service you should check out. Writing a resume is a very specific skill, so approach it the right way by getting some help from the professionals.


#3. BoomEssays and UKWritings – These online proofreading tools work very well and have been reviewed positively in UKWritings review.


#4. StateofWriting and SimpleGrad – Check out these career writing blogs for helpful tips and tricks on writing resumes and more.


#5. EssayRoo and BigAssignments – Give these editing tools a try and see how much easier they make things. They are guaranteed to improve your resume and have been suggested by AustralianReviewer.


#6. WritingPopulist and LetsGoandLearn – These writing guides will help you write a better resume by following each step in the process.




A.I. is a growing and exciting field to get into. There are a ton of good jobs available, but there are also many people competing for those positions. But if you include these six essentials you will make your A.I. resume stand out from the others.

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