Artificial emotional intelligence: the future of AI

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By integrating emotional intelligence with the existing artificial intelligence, AI is taking a crucial turn on its journey to becoming a transformational technology.

Today, approximately 52% consumers around the world use AI powered technology. However, even the most sophisticated AI technologies lack essential factors like emotional intelligence and the ability to contextualize information like human beings. This is the sole reason why AI has not succeeded in taking over a major aspect of our careers and lives. Therefore, infusing emotions, empathy, and morality into AI is the next milestone technologists wish to accomplish, and a considerable amount of effort is being put in the process. By the year 2020, artificial emotional intelligence is deemed to be a technological reality.


What is artificial emotional intelligence?

As self-explanatory as it sounds, artificial emotional intelligence is a combination of emotional and artificial intelligence. Emotional intelligence is the capacity to recognize the emotions of oneself and others, the ability to regulate and distinguish various feelings, and a guide to our thought process and behavior. It is the most quintessential factor that makes a human being, human. Artificial intelligence, although a technology created to assist humans and help them perform tasks better, still lacks a certain cognitive quotient. The near future, however, will witness a growth in AI solutions, with emotional intelligence being the key-differentiating factor in its value and popularity.

How will the integration of EI with AI be beneficial?

AI, in several aspects of our lives, has made our tasks a lot smoother and simpler. Machines and robots are already being used in manufacturing and production departments of various companies. Furthermore, AI is changing the game in fields like aviation, education, marketing, finance, heavy industries, medicine, media, and customer service. However, infusing EI with AI systems is more complex process.

Customer requirements are constantly changing and technologies have no option but to keep advancing. The integration of EI with AI is highly beneficial for improving the sales and customer service departments of companies. Chat bots and mobile apps are able to effectively recognize and respond to emotional responses of people such as anger, frustration, and irritation, thus improving customer experience. Artificial emotional intelligence will also be used to improve productivity in work environment, assist doctors and nurses in delivering care, and personalize the learning experience of students. Making interaction more conversational and relational, artificial emotional intelligence systems are expected to work alongside humans and in a manner similar to theirs.

What does the future of artificial emotional intelligence look like?

In the next five years, artificial emotional intelligence is projected to grow into a multibillion-dollar industry, completely transforming industries, market research, innovation, R&D, and just so much more. In a bid to harness the human-like aspect of AI, Amazon, Microsoft, and Google are already in the process of hiring comedians and scriptwriters to build personality into their technologies. The future road map of artificial emotional intelligence will see businesses using emotion analytics to make decisions and include the idea of multimodal emotion recognition and an emotion chip.

The hype around artificial emotional intelligence is real. Companies that will able to effectively incorporate contextual understanding and empathy into their technologies will become the front-runners in this race to technological excellence. However, they must also be cautious of the social and personal implications of such a huge transition.

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