Big Data, Cloud & DevOps

Minimizing Risks of Troubleshooting Challenges During Docker Integration

A poorly handled Docker integration can lead to a number of issues that require extensive troubleshooting. It is important to make the integration is handled properly to minimize the risk of other problems down the road. Steps that you take during the Docker integration process can make a big difference in avoiding future bugs. You should follow these tips to avoid the need to troubleshoot time-consuming bugs after your Docker registries are up and running.

Put Users First and Change Management Second

Organizations going through digital transformation need to put their business users first, unfiltered by an Organizational change management (OCM) team and processes to ensure they are moving ahead to improve their operations. This article isn’t about throwing OCM out; rather, it’s about putting your business users on the front lines of digital transformation and reducing the bureaucracy that comes with that transformation. When you involve your business user community in your change efforts at a deeper level, you have additional insurance that your efforts are on target.

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How Data Analytics is Leading the Path to Smart Cities

A growing number of cities are investing in smart technology. The innovation is enabling municipalities to finally do something about mitigating the damage that modern living inflicts on the environment and the population. Data analytics can potentially offer insights into nearly every aspect of public service and municipal activities. They already play a vital role in enabling cities, utility agencies and other municipal entities to optimize resources and move closer to zero-carbon objectives.

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  • Biggest Trends in Digital Marketing in 2019 You Shouldn’t Miss

    When it comes to marketing technology it is important to be ahead of the curve when adopting trends. In 2019, we expect to see more marketers deploy complex trigger-based campaigns and invest in greater depths of dynamic content to serve customers at every phase of the user journey. What it all comes down to is personalization. Rather than rely on a marketer’s manual effort to create different experiences for groupings of people. Here are some biggest trends in digital marketing in 2019 you shouldn’t miss.

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    Start-ups: Your Most Valuable Asset in the Long Run Will Be the Trust of Your Customers

    Every start-up must understand that the real secret sauce is Trust: In a context of increasing levels of consumer awareness around privacy and data protection, your most valuable asset will be the trust of your customers in your product. Moving fast and breaking things has never created trust. Start-ups must build customer trust from early days by embedding sound security and privacy practices in the products and in their culture. Start-ups must build customer trust from early days by embedding sound security and privacy practices in the products and in their culture.

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    Four Things To Know About How Technology Will Evolve Over The Next Decade

    Over the past few decades innovation has become almost synonymous with digital technology. Despite significant advances in technology, productivity growth has been depressed for most of the last 50 years. Over the next ten years, however, we’re likely to see that change as nascent technologies hit their stride and create completely new industries. Yet the technologies that will drive the 21st century are still mostly in the discovery and engineering phases, so they’re easy to miss. Here’s what you’ll need to know to compete in the new era.

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    Why Logistics Companies Must Adopt Big Data and Cloud Technology

    When one thinks about big data, logistics is rarely the first industry that comes to mind. Ironically, however, it’s likely to be the one that stands to benefit most from its adoption. The use of predictive analysis to estimate and prevent bottlenecks in the supply chain is crucial, especially in an industry where punctuality, transparency, and privacy play key roles. And with more and more consumers opting for e-commerce, pretending to stay relevant without relying on big data is naive.

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    Fog computing and blockchain go hand in hand

    The integration of fog computing for blockchain applications capitalizes on the decentralized structure of blockchain technology. With fog computing, a large number of devices can be incorporated in the blockchain framework, vastly improving the productivity of businesses while reducing operating costs. With fog computing for blockchain, users and businesses can maximize the commercial value of idle digital resources. The use of fog computing for blockchain opens up a whole new dimension for the functioning of the blockchain framework. 

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    Everything a Data Scientist Should Know About Data Management

    Data science training mainly focuses on machine/deep learning techniques. Data management knowledge is often treated as an afterthought. Data science students usually learn modeling skills with processed and cleaned data in text files stored on their laptop. To be a unicorn, you have to master every step of the data science process — all the way from storing your data, to putting your finished product in production. Here is a high-level overview to learn more about data management.

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    Big Data And AI Could Make Traditional Developers…Extinct?

     AI and Big Data are actually transforming the roles of traditional developers. It’s no longer just about jamming lots of code and creating full-blown applications. The bottom line is that the development process must not be an assembly line; rather, it should be a true collaboration. People who understand data and analytics are the need of the hour. Part of this is about understanding statistics, like Bayesian inference, but also grasping the nuances of data. Those people that have these valuable skills will be the next generation developers.

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    Creating intelligent workspaces is the future of work

    Small meeting spaces are fast becoming smart workspaces where high performance collaboration like problem solving and idea generation is taking place. Businesses are finding value in creating smaller, more agile spaces that enable people to meet when they need to, regardless of location. Creating intelligent workspaces like the huddle room is the future of work. Agile workspaces such as huddle rooms enable important calls and video conferences to take place as required, ensuring that remote workers have sufficient face time, contribute to team meetings and feel included.

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    Top 20 Docker Security Tips

    There are many of ways to make your Docker containers safer. Securities is not set-it and forget it. It requires vigilance to keep your images and containers secure. Keeping Docker containers secure means AIMing for safety. Don’t forget to keep Docker, your languages and libraries, your images, and your host software updated. Finally, consider using Docker Enterprise if you’re running Docker as part of a team. If you’re serving files, or running apps in production, you need to be considerably more knowledgeable about Docker security.

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