Big Data, Cloud & DevOps

A Friendly Introduction to Open Source Data Science for Business Leaders

Open source is a key enabler for enterprise data science, both in terms of the growing ecosystem of open-source tools and the expanding number of complementary enterprise data science platforms that incorporate and build on open source languages and tools. The challenge is identifying which of those tools is relevant and valuable to your business. Assessing the maturity of these projects, grappling with any licensing issues and making sure your team has the correct skillset to use them are challenges that many companies are now facing.

Feature selection by random search in Python

Random search is a really useful tool in a data scientist toolbox. It’s a very simple technique and can be a powerful tool to perform feature selection. It’s not meant to give the reasons why some features are more useful than other ones (as opposed to other feature selection procedures like Recursive Feature Elimination), but it can be a useful tool to reach good results in less time. Learn how to use a simple random search in Python to get good results in less time.

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The Role of Mobile Apps and Big Data in Enhancing Healthcare

Amidst the fierce competition, unending projects, strict deadlines, and over the top commitments; finding a peaceful hour is a far-fetched dream for many. Although the world is getting increasingly aware of the importance of a healthy lifestyle, many of us taking care of health has still not made it to the priority list. And regular

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  • The five pillars of Edge Computing

    Why do we need Edge computing? What is it? What are the advantages? The five pillars to edge computing provide the answers. It partly boils down to the explosion of devices. Joe Root, co-founder of Edge Computing Company, Permutive, which provides a data management platform built for purpose, told Information Age that, “over the past 10

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    A Layman’s Guide to Data Science. Part 2: How to Build a Data Project

    It is quite often that in our blog we explore intricate connections between state-of-the-art technologies, or explore the mesmerizing depth of a new technique. However, AI or data science is not only bragging about new exciting methods that boost the accuracy by 2% (which is a big gain), but about making data and technology work

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    Four reasons to use process mining

    While digital transformation has become something of a business holy grail, often with automation at its heart, many businesses have no idea where to start. Forrester believes ‘process mining’ offers a solution. Nearly 40% of businesses and technology decision makers who embark on a digital transformation journey find their road is potholed with misunderstood and often undocumented business processes.

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    Definitive guide to Selecting your Continuous Testing Solution

    As a software developer and testing expert with over 20 years in this industry, I’ve seen tools and solutions grow and disappear from the market. That’s OK, and that’s the life-cycle and “price” of innovation. Unfortunately, I have also seen some wrong practices when it comes to choosing such tools, especially around the testing domain.In this post,

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    How to Adapt to New Technology and Gain a Holistic View of Your Customer

    No matter what industry you’re in, emerging technologies are adding more digital touchpoints for potential and returning customers alike. The first instinct of a business owner may be to get their hands on that new piece of technology as soon as possible. However, it’s essential to keep in mind the huge influx of data that

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    Three Types Of Strategies You Need To Succeed

    The industrial age tricked us.  It taught us that the path to success was to take a business, run its operations with absolute efficiency, and grow it to take advantage of scale effects.  This plan worked well… until the advent of digital technologies – cloud, machines and data – which enabled companies to operate and

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    Data Is Every Manufacturers’ Greatest Strength In A Down Economy

    Every manufacturer needs to start taking a more data-driven approach to defining the initiatives and strategies that will keep their businesses growing despite economic uncertainty. GETTY The Institute for Supply Management’s (ISM) leading indicator of U.S. manufacturing, the Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) fell to 49.1% in August, the lowest reading since January 2016 with any reading

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    Top 5 Digital Transformation Trends In Manufacturing For 2020

    One of the most fascinating things about digital transformation is that it moves instantly—and slowly—all at the same time. The trends we see on the horizon for Industry 4.0 in 2020 are much the same as trends that we’ve seen growing … revolutionizing … over the last few years. The difference isn’t so much in

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    Helping the IT Help Desk – What you Need to Know about Virtual Support Agents

    IT help desks everywhere are handling a growing number of requests from multiple channels every day. And the more time the service desk spends putting out fires by phone, through email, or in person, the less time they have to focus on resolving the bigger issues and applying their cognitive skills to more meaningful projects.Are

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