Big Data, Cloud & DevOps

Fire Up Your Cyber Security Career with These 9 Job-Related Tips

How to get the cyber security job you want or to move up in your existing cyber security career As far as employment opportunities go, experts far and wide agree that the cyber security career field is booming for job seekers. Between rising cybercrime activity and more exacting laws and regulatory standards, the demand for

Is DataOps the next big thing?

After watching application teams, security teams and operations teams get the -Ops treatment, data engineering teams are now getting their own process ending in -Ops.While still in its very early days, data engineers are beginning to embrace DataOps practices.Gartner defines DataOps as “a collaborative data manager practice, really focused on improving communication, integration, and automation

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Can Artificial Intelligence be used to Solve Crimes? The Future of Forensics

We’ve always used human intelligence to solve crimes, but without some of the amazing technology that has been developed over hundreds of years, many more crimes today would go unsolved. It wasn’t too long ago that even fingerprinting was a new technology—and a painstaking process that required manual comparison.Today, we take automated fingerprint comparison, rapid

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  • Big Data in the Financial Services Industry – From data to insights

    1. Introduction Just as “Cloud”, “IoT” (Internet of Things), “Open Banking” and “Machine Learning”, “Big Data” is one of the most written buzzwords in the financial services industry today, but just like the other mentioned terms a clear definition is not so easy to provide.Especially as “Big Data” is often used as a synonym for customer analytics, real-time

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    Technology and the Changing Face of Business Travel

    Some tech companies, like lodging marketplace Airbnb and ride-sharing app Uber, have changed how we travel. Airports and travel planners are already using advanced technologies, like big data and AI. But new advances in old technology, like mobile devices and WiFi, are causing the biggest changes in business travel — and may even redefine what

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    Containers and database independence

    Containers hold the key for DBAs who want to gain database independence. Disruption is the only constant now in business driven by a new generation of technologies and web-based services. The rise of Uber and AirBnB, along with the threat of Amazon disrupting traditional industries, is forcing organisations to revamp their IT strategies. Today, businesses

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    Smart Warehousing and the Future of the Supply Chain

    If your company isn’t talking about smart warehousing yet, you may be leaving a lot of productivity and money on the table. Today and well into the coming years, the survival of companies and the ability for humans to meet their material needs will increasingly rely on clean, well-operated, low-waste supply chains.Let’s look at some

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    Business Basics for Data Scientists

    Use your Machine Learning Superpower to impact the Fundamental Business Equation. The nascent Data Scientist focuses on mastering TensorFlow & statistical concepts. This is undoubtedly important. Yet too many forget about the third layer of becoming a quality Data Scientist. Put the finishing touches on your Data Science skill set by understanding the business perspective.

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    Four Industries That Are Being Shaped by Predictive Analytics

    There’s no denying that data rules our world. The right data in the right hands can steer political events, help companies deduce how best to part consumers from their cash, identify areas of waste and duplicated effort, and even build predictive models to help us understand the present and anticipate the future.Predictive analytics is one

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    The GraphTech Ecosystem 2019 – Part 3: Graph visualization

    This post is part of a series of 3 articles about the GraphTech ecosystem. This article is the third and last part (for now). It presents the ecosystem of graph visualization software, applications, and libraries. The first article listed the graph databases. The second part covered the graph analytics ecosystem. Note: I’ve added at the bottom

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    Big Data Minimizing False Positives in Consumer DNA Testing

    DNA testing is one of the biggest breakthroughs in science over the past century. Both scientists and laymen alike view DNA as an infallible process. However, false positives are a real issue in both forensic and consumer DNA testing. The good news is that big data might help put an end to it. Breaking the

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    These 4 Major Shifts Will Drive The 21st Century

    In 1900, most people lived much like their ancestors had for millennia. They lived and worked on farms, using animal power and hand tools to augment their own abilities. They inhabited small communities and rarely, if ever, travelled far from home. They engaged in small scale violence and lived short, hard lives. Image: Pixabay That would

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