Big Data, Cloud & DevOps

A Layman’s Guide to Data Science: How to Become a (Good) Data Scientist

Data Science is a newly developed blend of machine learning algorithms, statistics, business intelligence, and programming. This blend helps us reveal hidden patterns from the raw data which in turn provides insights in business and manufacturing processes. To go into Data Science, you need the skills of a business analyst, a statistician, a programmer, and a Machine Learning developer. You do not need to be an expert in any of these fields. Let’s see what you need and how you can teach yourself the necessary minimum.

Only A Few Strategy Decisions Separate Good Companies From Great Ones

According to Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, only a few decisions create the bulk of corporate value.   The question is: do you know which decisions are important in today’s digital and platform economy? Do you and your board know the vital few decisions that will truly determine whether your business is bad, good or great in age of technology, platforms, networks and machine learning?  And if you do, how much capital and leadership effort is being devoted to the most important 20% versus the remaining 80%?

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The GraphTech Ecosystem 2019 – Part 1: Graph Databases

The market shares of graph databases keep increasing, as well as the number of products on the market, with seven times more vendors than 5 years ago. Although it seems difficult to agree on exact figures, all reports identify the same growth drivers. In this article, I present the current market, if not exhaustively, at least as well as possible. I divided the graph ecosystem into three main layers, even though the reality is more complex and these stratum are often permeable.

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  • Top Five Database Management Trends for 2019

    The data industry has grown rapidly and will continue to grow for many years into the future. As with many industries that experience growth in this sort of manner, there are always new trends coming out to help companies manage their databases and the data held inside of them. These trends are meant to make data and database management more efficient, effective and streamlined. Without any further ado, this article is going to look at some of the biggest trends in data management and database management.

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    Work On the Go: How Technology Is Changing How and Where We Work

    As technology continues to disrupt how and where we work, it will keep finding ways to remove monotonous tasks from our plates. It’s not about being lazy. The adage about most car accidents happening within five minutes of home applies to our work just as well: Errors occur during familiar, repetitive tasks. The point of employing human beings in the first place is to leverage their talents and creative drives. With that in mind, companies should consider automating back-office functions.

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    When Business Communication Meets Digital Technology

    Over the next two years, say some estimates, around 60% of companies in the business-to-business sector will begin redesigning their communication models around machine learning, AI, and “human augmentation.” These things already help power much of what we’ve been discussing, from helping a PR specialist find emails quickly using natural language to automatically sending alerts when it’s time to see if a client needs to stock up again. Whatever form communication takes at your company, there’s probably an exciting technology to help you do it better.

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    Ten Trends Coming Up in Identity and Access Management for 2020

    Identity access management will continue to grow in scope and scale. Biometrics may be useful; however, it should not be solely relied upon for identification. Blockchain technology may be a better choice for those who want to control their identity. Ease-of-use for cloud-based offerings is driving the demand for single sign-on services. Expansion of the IoT requires scalable and reliable infrastructure to establish the identities of the billions of new IoT devices and manage them via a massive network.

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    How Data and Digital Technologies Impact the Food Industry

    One of the biggest ways the food industry has changed over recent decades is by adopting new advances in technology. The food industry used to be riskier for everyone involved. Crops could go bad if someone slacked off on the job and there used to be no choice but to waste food every night. Now, technology changes these issues and presents modern solutions to food industry experts. That’s why it’s been so quickly embraced by all involved, resulting in a more efficient and profitable industry.


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    Top Four Business Process Outsourcing Trends To Expect In 2019

    With the rise of certain new technologies, the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry could be at risk of losing a large portion of its market share. As it turns out, it’s not just retailers that need to work hard to stay competitive, and BPO companies may find that 2019 could be a painful year for them if they are not keeping up with the industry’s latest trends. Here are top four business processes outsourcing trends to expect in 2019.   

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    How Nonprofit Organizations Can Harness the Power of Artificial Intelligence

    Like their for-profit peers, a growing number of nonprofit executives recognize that big data can help organizations achieve mission-critical objectives. a growing number of nonprofit leaders are taking advantage of data analysis to learn more about potential donors and promote important societal causes.  Also, data analysis enables nonprofit leaders to discover new opportunities to make a difference. Nonprofit organizations now use artificial intelligence to search through many different kinds of information sources. They are searching for ways to use artificial intelligence to analyze constituent feedback and find ways to help in real-time. 

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    How Safe Are Your Data in a Software-Defined Storage Solution?

    Software-defined storage (SDS)  hits all the right enterprise storage trends, but it’s still an emerging technology for the average organization. Therefore, outsourcing SDS to a hyperscale or other CSP is probably the best option for maintaining your data safety. With all of its appeal, some people and enterprises are wondering how safe their data are in an SDS solution. Here are some things to consider if you’re trying to answer that question for your own data.

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    Three Strategies for Securing Containerized Applications in the Cloud

    It is important not to let yourself get caught up in the market hype about containers and the advantages they offer your application delivery teams. Keep a strong security focus starting at preproduction and moving forward. You’ll get an edge on container security if you apply technology, tools, frameworks, and—above all—preparation to your containers in and out of production. Security news about containers has been mixed so far. Here are three strategies for securing your containerized applications.

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