Big Data, Cloud & DevOps

Learn Enough Docker to be Useful – Part 1: The Conceptual Landscape

Docker is a platform to develop, deploy, and run applications inside containers. Docker is essentially synonymous with containerization. If you’re a current or aspiring software developer or data scientist, Docker is in your future. Don’t fret if you aren’t yet up to speed — this article will help you understand the conceptual landscape — and you’ll get to make some pizza along the way. By the end of the series (and with a little practice) you should know enough Docker to be useful.

The CIO’s future: tech is no longer enough

Forward-thinking business leaders are making sure digital is part of the overall strategy discussion, not just transformation but also keeping a keen perspective on the competitive and potential mergers or acquisitions.  By being involved and understanding what is really needed to undergo digital transformation, boards can ensure that leadership is executing on its plan and steering the company toward a successful digital future. In response to shifts in the business landscape and changing business requirements, the role of the CIO is going to be reinvigorated and extended across a number of dimensions. Here are eight examples.

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Data literacy: What it means and why it’s essential for your business

Putting data in the hands of a few experts is a powerful thing, but making it available throughout an organization can be a game changer. Used properly, data can allow us to design better products, understand customers, and improve efficiency. Organizations now have access to affordable, powerful tools that make this possible, but providing access to the data is only part of the equation. Employees must be able to assess the value of the data they have and interpret it properly. 

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  • How Measurable Analytics Helps to Improve Collaboration and Engagement

    How to measure something that by its nature is abstract and unmeasurable, like team collaboration? What KPIs would you use to assess the overall state of team collaboration and ensure its long-term monitoring to draw unbiased conclusions? Overall, there are a plethora of software solutions created to evaluate personal performance and monitor employees’ development. However, those solutions can hardly deal with collaboration assessment, or they require substantial customization effort to handle such a non-trivial task. Happily, big software providers have started to incorporate relevant functionality into their core systems to prevent organizations from investing in stand-alone solutions.

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    Why digital transformation? Challenge vs opportunity

    What constitutes ‘digital transformation’ and how does a company become fully digitally transformed? Put simply, it is the integration of new advanced technologies, such as Internet of Things (IoT) or cloud computing, into business to increase efficiency, productivity, and ultimately improve a business’ bottom line. As for the latter point, it could be argued that no business will ever complete a journey of digital transformation. It is a perpetual journey, influenced by the fast-paced world we live in today and driven by constant innovation and radical ideas.

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    Ten Python File System Methods You Should Know

    In this guide, we’ll look at methods from the os and shutil modules. The os module is the primary Python module for interacting with the operating system. The shutil module also contains high-level file operations. For some reason, you make directories with os but move and copy them with shutil. There are many ways to copy files and directories in Python. Go figure.

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    If You’re a Chief Data Officer and All you Care about is Data, You’re in Trouble

    What should Chief Data Officers be doing to effectively drive results? Surprisingly, the answer has little to do with the data itself. These days, no one can afford to ignore data. Of course, the chief data officer should try to maximise use of shared systems and resources, but their focus is to address the priorities of each line of business (LOB) while ensuring they’re broadly aligned with the business overall. Here are the main roles a chief data officer needs to fill, outside of the traditional security and infrastructure tasks, to help their organization succeed with data.

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    Three common data science career transitions, and how to make them happen

    A lot of data science career advice follows a similar law: there are posts aimed at complete beginners, posts aimed at veteran software engineers, and posts designed to help junior data scientists hone their skills. All of this noise makes it difficult for many aspiring data scientists to know where to invest their time as they look to transition into the field. At the end of the day, whether you’re a software engineer, a recent grad, or a complete beginner, a key question to ask yourself is what career trajectories are closest to you in parameter space. 

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    Four Quality Management Technology Trends

    It’s more beneficial to invest in trends that are truly going to have an impact on your business and bottom line. Here are four key trends in quality management technology that you should be paying attention to. These four quality management technology trends are here to stay and will also have a direct influence on the future of the field. It’s essential, then, that you pay them the proper attention and consideration. The sooner you implement these practices, the better off your entire organization will be.

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    What no one will tell you about data science job applications

    You have trouble finding a data science job, but don’t understand why? For every person who has a question, and asks it, there are ten people who have the same question but don’t ask it. If you’re one of those ten, then this post is for you. Hopefully, you’ll find it helpful.

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    Top Software Development Trends in 2019

    Software development is one of those fields which is changing at an extremely fast pace. Every year brings some brand new surprises for software developers. 2018 was the year of complete acceleration for the software development companies worldwide. From blockchain to Artificial intelligence, software technologies have remained a hot topic throughout the year.There are many software development trends in 2019 that need your attention. We are discussing some of the most popular ones here

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    Seven Tech Hiring Trends for 2019

    The tech industry is booming in America and with unemployment the lowest it’s been in 50 years, companies are clamoring to scoop up well-qualified talent for non-executive tech roles. It probably doesn’t come as a surprise to you that tech is in demand. However, if the technology industry has taught us anything, it’s that modern-day career development doesn’t adhere to the rules of generations past. People change jobs more frequently and for different reasons than they once did. So how are today’s top companies finding and acquiring tech talent? Here are seven trends we’ve noticed for 2019.

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