Big Data, Cloud & DevOps

Cloudera vs Hortonworks vs MapR: Comparing Hadoop Distributions

For all those looking to harness the potential of big data, Hadoop is the platform of choice. This open

Data Science Project Flow for Startups

What makes structure and flow of data science projects unique for a startup? Both managers and the different teams in a startup might find the differences between a data science project and a software development one unintuitive and confusing. If not stated and accounted for explicitly, these fundamental differences might cause misunderstanding and clashes between the data scientist and her peers. The aim of this post, then, is to present the characteristic project flow. Hopefully, this can help both data scientists and the people working with them to structure data science projects in a way that reflects their uniqueness.

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List Comprehension in Python

Lists are a basic building block for a developer in any language. Python is no different. However at first, list comprehension can sometimes seem confusing. Since it is not an available feature in all languages, it may also be a concept that is completely unfamiliar. Some popular languages that include list comprehension are JavaScript, Perl 6, C# and of course, Python. Today, we’ll take a look at exactly how list comprehension works in Python. 

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  • Augmented Reality: Market Potential and Practical Applications

    The present generation of smartphones and other devices do a fine job of immersing us in digital experiences. Augmented reality takes a route different by magnifying our physical surroundings by enriching them digital data snippets. Sounds curious, isn’t it? Well, the first augmented reality system took birth in 1992. Louis Rosenburg from the USAF Armstrong’s Research Lab developed

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    Five Data Storytelling Tips for Creating More Persuasive Charts and Graphs

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Working with numbers isn’t usually thought of as a sexy job. After all, occupations like accounting and data entry aren’t exactly the most exciting vocations in this digital era. But just like the

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    From 0 to $100K+ data science job in 6 months

    I have loved being a data scientist. The job is challenging. The job market is great. I can’t imagine any other job that would provide more career fulfillment for me now. This is my ideal career. Across the way, I see people that I care about trying to break into this field. Wondering what to study,

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    Optimal Tooling for Machine Learning and AI

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Note: this post is based on talks I recently gave at Facebook Developer Circles and Data Natives Berlin. You can get the slides here. I’ll be the first to admit that tooling is probably

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    How To Grow As A Data Scientist

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. What Skills Do You Need To Go From Jr. To Sr. Developer The role of a data scientist still varies from company to company and even team to team. This makes it much harder for

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    Big Data Will Be Biased, If We Let It

    Ready to learn more about Big Data & Data Science? Browse courses developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. If I had a penny for every time I’ve heard “data doesn’t lie”… For those of us who have the ever exciting and growing task of working with Big Data to help solve some

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    How Leading Organizations are Leveraging Big Data and Analytics

    Ready to learn Big Data? Browse courses like Big Data – What Every Manager Needs to Know  developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. “Data will talk to you if you’re willing to listen”— Jim Bergeson. Few can dispute that. However, the challenge comes when data transforms into bundles and stacks of unorganized and

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    Data Science Compensation Survey

    I recently came across an article in Forbes on the salaries of Data Scientists. The piece summarized findings from the just-published 5th-annual Burtch Works Study: Salaries of Data Scientists. The study is generally well-done, providing insight into trends and breakdowns of compensation for Data Science professionals. I like that Burtch Works contrasts Data Science (DS) with Predictive Analytics (PA),

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    Four Tech Trends Disrupting the Future of Insurance

    As is true of many other industries, technology is having a major influence on the current growth and development of the insurance market. In fact, it’s outright disruptive in some cases with new platforms and hardware significantly altering how conventional operations are handled. Mobile, for example, has not only introduced many new opportunities, but it’s

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