Big Data, Cloud & DevOps

Data Analytics with Python by Web scraping: Illustration with CIA World Factbook

Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. In this article, we show how to use Python libraries and HTML parsing to extract useful information from a website and answer some important analytics questions afterwards. Ina data science project, almost always

Ten Ways to Take Your Boss on a Journey Through the Data

Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Photo credit: Pexels “People hear statistics, but they feel stories.” Forbes, March 2016 “Telling a compelling story with your data helps you get your point across effectively.” InformationWeek, May 2016 Our brains love good stories

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The Business Case for a Data Refinery

Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Crude data is similar to crude oil—in its raw form, it’s usually too messy to be useful Credit: Gerd Altmann Pixabay The Economist has proclaimed that data is "the oil of the digital era.” Data will

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  • Powerful Big Data Solutions Impacting Patient Care

    Ready to learn Big Data Analytics? Browse courses like Big Data – What Every Manager Needs to Know developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Did you know that 25,000 petabytes of medical data will exist by 2020? If you took 4,000 digital phots every day of your life, you’d amass close to

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    The two sides of Getting a Job as a Data Scientist

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Are you a Data Scientist looking for a Job? Are you a Recruiter looking for a Data Scientist? If you answered yes or NO to this questions you need to read this. Hello! This

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    The best data scientists aren’t being discovered.

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. A year ago, I dropped out of grad school to co-found a startup with my brother. Our goal was simple enough: fix the data science talent shortage. Since launching, we’ve placed over 60 brilliant new

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    Blockchain and Big Data: the match made in heavens

    Ready for Big Data Training & Certification? Browse courses like Big Data – What Every Manager Needs to Know developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Big Data has been around for a while and blockchain technology currently rides the hype wave. What results can the concoction of these two innovations produce? The

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    How to Measure the Success of your Business Idea

    The question now is how will you measure the success of your business idea? There are various factors to be looked into depending on what your business idea is and what the current standing of your business is. All owners want their businesses to be successful but are uncertain about how to measure their business ideas or performance. Financial profitability is important for any business but that is not the only indicator of the success, growth or viability of your business.

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    Step-by-step guide to build your own ‘mini IMDB’ database

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. How to use simple Python libraries and built-in capabilities to scrape the web for movie information and store them in a local SQLite database. Often after a few introductory courses in Python, beginners

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    Time to Get Serious About DevOps

    Ready to become DevOps Engineer? Browse courses like AWS Certified DevOps Engineer—Professional Exam Training developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Software is everywhere in the modern business, and you need to develop, update and deploy it fast.In the digital era, software powers everything a firm does. It runs your operations, organizes

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    Breaking the cycle of data security threats

    Ready to learn Cyber Security? Browse courses like Cyber Security for the IoT developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Stepping back from the latest cybersecurity headlines, there are many conclusions to be drawn looking across the last couple of years. First, there’s the lack of mandatory reporting and the limits of voluntary

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    The Effect of Naming in Data Science Code

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Even though there are tools allowing to practice data science without coding, they are far from sufficient. Data scientists will be writing and reading code. Reading code that has poor readability is a

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