Big Data, Cloud & DevOps

Five Ways to Make Big Data Investment Work For Your Organization

Ready to learn Big Data Analytics? Browse courses like Big Data – What Every Manager Needs to Know developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Start small by focusing on what you hope to accomplish with your data and work backwards. Big data is gradually percolating every technology from AI to autonomous cars

RPA Gold Rush: Just the right mix of ingredients

Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. From its initial euphoria a few years ago – that robotic process automation will rule the world – we are seeing clients getting burned by the bots and are stumbling Robotic Process Automation

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Thinking about Data Science as-a-Platform

Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. The “usability of data” is an area that is ripe for improvement and development. After all, it takes people to use data in order for it to have any value. My doctoral research showed

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  • Eight ways to perform linear regression analysis in Python and how they scale with data set size

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Linear regression and Python in modern data science For a myriad of data scientists, linear regression is the starting point of many statistical modeling and predictive analysis projects. The importance of fitting (accurately

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    Open data for business intelligence

    Ready to learn Big Data Analytics? Browse courses like Big Data – What Every Manager Needs to Know developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Apart from big data, businesses are making optimum use of open data – data that is inexpensive, easily accessible, and a profitable resource goldmine. There was a time

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    How to improve ROI on automation: Four tips

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Want to achieve strong ROI on your automation project? Take these steps to avoid disappointment Automation technologies have generated plenty of buzz during the past few years. COOs and operations teams (and indeed, other business

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    Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and the Internet of Things

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Computers are everywhere with a myriad of consumer, automotive, medical and communications devices hosting microprocessors and the Internet of Things will result in an increase in reliance on this technology. In this blog,

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    Artificial intelligence and the human workforce – a match made in efficiency heaven?

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. AI is transforming the way we work and bringing significant benefits to businesses and employees in a number of industries.   Artificial Intelligence is rarely out of the news these days. If politicians

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    The Googol Reasons Your Doctor Never Sees You On Time: How Data Science Has The Answers

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Why is it that every time I go to a doctor, I am given an appointment for a precise time and then every time, every single time, the doctor shows up at least

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    What’s the point? Visual Data Reporting

    Ready to learn Big Data Analytics? Browse courses like Big Data – What Every Manager Needs to Know developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Many of you have likely experienced the same situation that I have encountered where you have received a report and thought “what am I looking at?”, “whats the

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    Machine Learning for Product Managers — The magic of qualitative feedbacks

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Hello fellow PMs, I’m guessing you reading this article because you are a) New to building Machine Learning Product initiatives and struggles to find where to start b) Looking for tips and guides on how

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    The Ten Algorithms Machine Learning Engineers Need to Know

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. It is no doubt that the sub-field of machine learning / artificial intelligence has increasingly gained more popularity in the past couple of years. As Big Data is the hottest trend in the

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