Big Data, Cloud & DevOps

AI scientists: How can companies deal with the shortage of talent?

Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. US companies are raising over $1 billion for the recruitment of AI scientists by 2020. These senior roles have an average annual salary of $314,000, due in part to a global talent shortage.

Machine Learning — What it is and why it should interest you!

The intent of this blog was to provide some clarification of how machine learning can be readily applied to solve real world problems. This simplistic Value prediction function was just one example where machine learning can be used to avoid building a potentially rigid and complex manual model and ultimately save time and effort.

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The Ten Statistical Techniques Data Scientists Need to Master

Regardless of where you stand on the matter of Data Science sexiness, it’s simply impossible to ignore the continuing importance of data, and our ability to analyze, organize, and contextualize it. The role is here to stay, but unquestionably, the specifics of what a Data Scientist does will evolve. With technologies like Machine Learning becoming ever-more common place, and emerging fields like Deep Learning gaining significant traction amongst researchers and engineers, Data Scientists continue to ride the crest of an incredible wave of innovation and technological progress.

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  • Why I Think Spark Will Have the Staying Power of SQL

    Spark can handle pretty much any data store you throw at it and data scientists can use a common way of thinking about data (SQL) for handling it. You don’t have to use the SQL-like interface, but it’s there, and many take advantage of it. Don’t care for the SQL/HQL aproach? That’s fine, you can use Spark like many use bash for data wrangling. Spark spans many skill levels.

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    Artificial Intelligence is More than “Just a Technology”

    AI is more than a “tool” that improves, for instance, manufacturing processes. It is more than the next step in compliance. It is more than a system to make predictions that facilitate action. It is probably even more than a disruptor of “knowledge work”, more generally.

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    Five Lessons On Making The Leap From Big Data To Wise Decisions

    Success depends on not just great data but also on how well the enterprise coordinates its efforts to realize benefits that are greater than the sum of individual contributions. Here are a few key lessons and guidance on how to bridge the chasm that too often separates big data and wise decisions.

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    How to Best Leverage the Services of Hadoop Big Data?

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Hadoop is a Java-based, open source framework that supports companies in the storage and processing of massive data sets. Currently, many firms still struggle with interpreting Hadoop’s software and are doubtful about whether

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    Why future AI should be a Teacher and not an Oracle

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Less predictions, more insights, please. Taken from pexels Though it’s my job to develop algorithms nowadays, I still hold a healthy prejudice against deep learning and much of machine learning. Despite all its powerful

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    Blockchains for Big Data

    Now, big data technology is quietly transforming every enterprise backend on the planet. For example, in many places “data warehouses” of relational databases are getting replaced by “data lakes” running big data software. More than $100B annually is going towards big iron compute clusters, the software on top, and the services to keep it all running smoothly.

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    Companies need to stop AI-washing their products

    For today’s consumers, it’s not necessarily the technology itself that’s most important but rather the impact that the technology has on the lives of their users. That’s why it’s frustrating for me to see companies that tout AI in the marketing of their products and services, as opposed to the experience that AI offers.

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    The pitfalls of data science (and how you can avoid them)

    As you deal with ever more complex data questions, I hope you set yourself up for success by first, being aware of the potential missteps you might take and how much they might cost, and secondly, by setting up systems and processes so that with each iteration, you bring down the number of potential mistakes, and so the cost.

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    What Skills Do I Need to Become a Data Scientist?

    Leveraging the use of big data, as an insight-generating engine, has driven the demand for data scientists at enterprise-level, across all industry verticals. Whether it is to refine the process of product development, help improve customer retention, or mine through the data to find new business opportunities—organizations are increasingly relying on the expertize of data scientists to sustain, grow, and outdo their competition. Consequently, as the demand for data scientists increase, the discipline presents an enticing career path for students and existing professionals. This includes those who are not data scientists but are obsessed with data, which has left them asking:

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