Big Data, Cloud & DevOps

Are Businesses Ready To Take Advantage of The Growing Number of Data Scientists?

There’s significant growth in the number of data scientists in the past four years, but this growth is not matched with a growth in the number of data-savvy managers. Will this mismatch lead to problems in the near future?

Practical Text Analytics

This post dives into different types of text analytics and gives three different examples from the industry to better convey the ideas behind these methods.

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The Case for Using Data Simulators to Drive Big Data Success

Data simulators can be an important asset to a company because they can emulate the data you don’t have access to, and help you gauge the compatibility of your tools accordingly.

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  • Suggestion and Opinion Mining from Qualitative Surveys

    Analyzing traveler feedback on a newly opened airport in Asia, Ravi gives us a walkthrough of his approach to a specific sentiment analysis problem.

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    Bringing HR Analytics to Life – Unleashing the Power of Your Organization

    A detailed article on HR Analytics, explaining what it is, how it works, and how organizations can leverage it to improve their culture and effectiveness.

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    Rise of Intelligent Machines as Artificial Intelligence Goes Mainstream

    In this post, Jonathan Bloom gives a summary of the history of Artifiicial Intelligence, followed by a brief overview of how the underlying mechanics work.

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    Dive into Your Data: Some Insight into an Efficient Variable Selection Process

    How you can efficiently select the appropriate model for your data using various variable/model selection methods. 

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    Five Signs the Financial Sector Has Entered a Big Data and Machine Learning Revolution

    As the amount of structured and unstructured data explodes, the financial sector is realizing the necessity of harnessing and analyzing that data in the fastest, most effective way possible in order to stay competitive. A revolution can be defined as a fundamental change in an organizational structure that takes place in a relatively short period of time when people “revolt” against the current order. Currently, the financial sector is making a massive shift towards big data and machine learning technology and applied solutions. Here are five signs that this is the beginning of a revolution in finance

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    Evaluation Metrics for Classification

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse Data Science Training and Certification courses developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Using the right evaluation metrics for your classification system is crucial. Otherwise, you could fall into the trap of thinking that your model performs well but in reality, it doesn’t. In this post,

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    Insight is Dead

    Ready to learn Data Analytics? Browse Data Analyst Training and Certification courses developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. “Insight” has become the ubiquitous catalyst for many business decisions. We analyze data to gain insights and use those insights to guide decisions, large and small. It is better than “instinct” or “intuition” as

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    Make 2019 Your Year of Better Data

    Ready to learn Big Data? Browse Big Data Training and Certification Courses developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. 5 Steps for Data (Anger) Management. Healthy Data means a Healthy Business. A New Year always means resolution time and most of us are resolved as we turn the calendar to improve

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    What is Smart Data Visualization and Can it Make Business Users Smarter?

    Smart Data Visualization can radically improve your Business Intelligence, Data Discovery  and  Analytics. It can streamline the work process of business users, improve the accuracy of planning and forecasting and ensure better, more timely, more accurate business decisions. Smart Visualization tools allow users to gather various data components and tell a story. Revealing results in this manner makes it easier for business users and the organization to identify the cause of a problem, see trends and patterns and find those elusive nuggets of information that will provide a competitive edge. 

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