Big Data, Cloud & DevOps

What is Clickless Analysis? Can it Simplify Adoption of Augmented Analytics?

The concept of Clickless Analytics is one that will be happily embraced by business users and by the business enterprise. Clickless Analytics incorporates Natural Language Processing (NLP) and takes Augmented Analytics to the next level with Machine Learning and NLP in a self-serve environment that is easy enough for every business user. Business users can leverage sophisticated Business Intelligence (BI) tools to perform Advanced Data Discovery by asking questions using natural language. In this, the first of a three-part series we discuss Clickless Analytics and how it can simplify user adoption of Augmented Analytics.

What is Self-Serve Data Preparation and How Can It Support Business Users?

Self-serve data preparation is the next generation of business analytics and business intelligence. Self-serve data preparation makes advanced data discovery accessible to team members and business users no matter their skills or technical knowledge. Supporting business users with powerful tools that are meaningful to their role and goals is critical to every organization. Self-serve data preparation takes the complexity out of the data prep and analytical process and results in better data discovery.

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What is Advanced Analytics and How Can it Advance Your Organization?

Advanced Analytics is comprised of numerous sophisticated analytical techniques, designed to parse, explore and analyze data and produce results to support business decisions. Fortunately, today’s new self-serve business intelligence solutions allow for ease-of-use, bringing together these varied techniques in a simple interface with tools that allow business users to utilize advanced analytics without the skill or knowledge of a Data Scientist, analyst or IT team member. Advanced Analytics provides a 360-degree view of data from Data Marts, Data Warehouses, best-of-breed, legacy systems, and other data sources. 

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  • Advanced Data Discovery and Augmented Analytics: Simple, Sophisticated Tools for Business Users

    The world of Business Analytics has changed dramatically in the past few years. If your business is looking to upgrade BI tools or to begin implementing an Analytics Solution, the solution must be user friendly for business users. The tools exist today for Augmented Analytics, Augmented Data Discovery, Self-Serve Data Preparation and other features and modules that provide sophisticated functionality and algorithms in an easy-to-use dashboard and environment that is designed to support business users, as well as Data Scientists and IT staff.

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    Advanced Analytics: If You Don’t Know What You Need, How Can You Succeed?

    Every enterprise is talking about Business Intelligence and Advanced Analytics. But, before your organization selects and deploys a solution, there are numerous important considerations. Choosing and implementing a solution for Advanced Analytics and Augmented Data Discovery is not as simple as buying team t-shirts for your company baseball team. If you do not take the time and effort to do it right, your enterprise may spend a lot of money and time on a solution that reaps little to no benefit.

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    What is Augmented Analytics and Why Does it Matter?

    Ready to learn Data Analytics? Browse Data Analyst Training and Certification courses developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. If your role in business demands that you stay abreast of changes in business analytics, you are probably familiar with the term Smart Data Discovery. You may also have read the recent Gartner

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    Predictive Models

    Power Up Your Predictions with Plug n’ Play Predictive Analysis

    One of the most important elements of advanced data discovery and Advanced Analytics tools is plug n’ play predictive analysis and forecasting tools. These tools can support the enterprise initiative to implement Self-Serve Advanced Analytics and transform business users into Citizen Data Scientists. Plug n’ Play Predictive Analytics provides easy-to-use tools that require no programming or Data Scientist skills and enable the average business user to leverage sophisticated predictive algorithms so users can confidently plan for success.

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    Fact or Fiction? Smart Data Visualization Tells the Tale

    If you are considering a Business Intelligence solution, you ought to give some consideration to the concept of Smart Data Visualization and review your prospective solution to determine its capabilities in that regard. Smart Data Visualization provides many benefits to the organization and to the business users, who will leverage the selected BI tools to gather, analyze, share and report on data. Smart Data Visualization goes beyond data display to suggest options for visualization and plotting for certain types of data, based on the nature, dimensions and trends inherent in the data.

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    Data Preparation and Analysis Don’t Have to be Painful

    Ready to learn Data Analytics? Browse Data Analyst Training and Certification courses developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Consider the time and effort involved in the ‘old world’ of business intelligence data preparation! How on earth did we ever get anything done? Armies of data analysts and IT staff slaving over

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    What is Search Analytics and Can it Improve Self-Serve Data Discovery?

    Search Analytics or Search-based Analytics marks the advent of a new era of business intelligence, in that it allows business users to ask a question using natural language and that question is translated by the system to produce results. One of the greatest obstacles to Self-Serve Business Intelligence was the need for a specialized skill set to use the solution. Search Analytics takes this approach to the next level by offering an interactive environment wherein business users can obtain rapid, accurate results. 

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    Three Reasons Fast Databases Will Never Be Fast Enough

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse Data Science Training and Certification courses developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. If you look at the data management market (e.g. the Data Platforms Map from the 451 Group), you are likely to be overwhelmed by the diversity of today’s technologies. Many decision makers think that

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    The Logistic Regression Algorithm

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse Data Science Training and Certification courses developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Logistic Regression is one of the most used Machine Learning algorithms for binary classification. It is a simple Algorithm that you can use as a performance baseline, it is easy to implement and

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