Big Data, Cloud & DevOps

Here’s How Analytics is Reinventing Human Resources

Ready to learn Data Analytics? Browse Data Analyst Training and Certification courses developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. 3 Steps to ace talent analytics, shown using real-world insights Did you know that San Francisco and New York offer the richest pool of JavaScript talent in the US, while Seattle is

Don’t Drown in Your Data Lake: Keep Afloat with the Right Information

Ready to learn Big Data? Browse Big Data Training and Certification Courses developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. It is the era of Big Data. Businesses are generating data at an ever-increasing rate and with this rising tide of information comes the need for secure storage and extreme organization. The

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Automation Promises to Pull Big Data Out of Its “Dial-Up” Phase

Ready to learn Big Data? Browse Big Data Training and Certification Courses developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Do you remember 1993? Sure, you say. But really think back. We were on the cusp of a great digital revolution that reverberated throughout the world in ways that have changed business,

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  • Cloud Security Controls: Must-Do Preventative Measures for Every Business Working Online

    Ready to learn Cloud Computing? Browse Cloud Computing Training and Certification Track courses developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Cloud computing certainly isn’t new. In fact, many businesses are now using it in one form or another. However, for forward-thinking businesses looking to revolutionize their industry, the benefits of the

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    Controlling and Monitoring Access to Sensitive Data in the Cloud

    Ready to learn Cloud Computing? Browse Cloud Computing Training and Certification Track courses developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. As enterprises plan their digital transformations, many organizations choose to move their business information to the cloud in an attempt to save both time and money. According to a 2017 Intel Security

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    Dynamic Duo – Self-service BI and Data Preparation

    Ready to learn Data Analytics? Browse Data Analyst Training and Certification courses developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. The self-service Business Intelligence (BI) trend that has been sweeping the corporate world isn’t going away anytime soon. Hyper-competitive industries where time-to-decision is critical have been the early adopters of self-service BI

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    Why Big Data is Critical to the Pharmaceutical Industry

    Ready to learn Analytics in Healthcare? Browse Analytics in Healthcare & Life Sciences courses developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. When it comes to investing in big data, probably, no other industry has as much at stake as pharmaceutics. Big data not only provides the foundation for research and the

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    Big Data Jobs to Explode by 2026

    Ready to learn Big Data? Browse Big Data Training and Certification Courses developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. I recently spoke with one of my old college classmates over tea. He is a leading data scientist for a Fortune 500 company. While catching up for the first time in eight

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    Is A Cybersecurity Degree Worth It?

    Ready to learn Cybersecurity? Browse courses like Cyber Security for the IoT developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Now that we have solidly entered the Information Age, one thing is very clear: technology is expanding and isn’t going to go away. More and more of our personal information is stored online, and

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    How Eliminating Data Silos Will Democratize Pharma R&D

    Ready to learn Machine Learning? Browse courses like Machine Learning Assisted Clinical Medicine developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. As the demand for pharmaceutical innovation accelerates, companies are becoming increasingly attuned to the challenges that they must overcome to keep up with the demand. And as data analytics becomes an increasingly critical

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    Self-Service Data Preparation Eliminates HR Reporting and Compliance Woes

    Regardless of whether they are prepared annually, or initiated by an incident or event, compliance and other HR reports require analysts and administrators to manually find and collect data from a variety of disparate sources, and then reconcile, extract and input it into spreadsheets for analysis. And with so much of HR’s time focused on these mundane tasks, other business-critical duties can quickly fall to the wayside. The good news for HR professionals is that self-service data preparation tools are designed to simplify and automate these operational tasks – making reconciliation, analysis, reporting and compliance completely painless. 

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    The road for high-quality analytics starts with high-quality data

    A proper Information Management system – including healthy Enterprise Content Management (ECM) and modern archiving strategies – will definitely help to manage and integrate existing data and content across the enterprise, as well as limit or overcome the pollution of such information, by granting chain of custody and compliant governance along the data’s entire lifecycle. Modern ECM and archiving systems provide all the compliance, enterprise-grade functionalities to solve these requirements and enables organisations to start their journey to the new world of big data with the right approach and clean data streams to fill their data lakes with.

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