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I vividly remember enjoying a fresh cup of cappuccino, served up to me by the Costa Express vending machine at the Intel Booth at HP Discover. While enjoying the cappuccino, I marveled at the data collected concerning who is using the vending machine, how to offer the right selection of coffee at each location, and personalizing advertising for me, “the customer” of an enriching user experience. And I thought that this data collection phase ended the moment the cappuccino was served and the cup of coffee was in my hand. Well, what did I know? When I look at the technologies of the Vessyl cup, I see that the possibilities are endless, and there’s no limit to the continuous collection of data to obtain insight for timely action. Collecting data is most effective when it is done seamlessly across the Internet of Things. Want to join me for a cup of cappuccino? Be careful, you don’t know the information that might be collected about you. Here’s why:
Continuous monitoring and collection of data is essential for the enterprise as well as the individual – even across key hand-off points from production (Costa Express Coffee Machine) to consumption (Vessyl cup). For example, checking your weight or blood pressure on a periodic basis is one way to do it, but it’s a lot more effective to do this through constant monitoring to ensure timely, proactive action. Just like Intel Fellow Eric Dishman did with Genomics.
While the cappuccino machine can determine the flavor of coffee you should be having, the cup can validate whether you should be having it in the first place, based on the following criteria:
- Number of calories consumed during a given time period—day and week
- Amount of caffeine you have already consumed
- Timing the positive effects of the drink you are having to get to your Pryme Zone
- Maximizing the results of your workout with protein and recovery beverages
- Timing your beverages so that it has the desired effects on your sleeping patterns
- Your sugar intake
The combination of these two devices—the cup and the machine—cannot only predict the type of drink to consume, but also the amount (if any) and the preferred timeframe. Between the coffee machine, the Vessyl cup, the blood pressure monitor, the ring, and the wrist-watch, I wonder if I can get to a location where I am just not another “thing” in the IoT.
Is this where technology is headed in 2039 when HP turns 100?
I mentioned this to my dad who said, “I just drink what I want when I want – hot or cold – there is no IoT in the world that can tell me what to drink!” How about you? To what extent is your life influenced by IoT? Have a cappuccino from the Costa Express machine powered by Intel technologies in a Vessyl cup and let me know!