How AI Can Transform Manufacturing Industry

Artificial intelligence is the process of quickening human knowledge that centers around getting information and making rules for transforming the data into some actionable & required details, especially by machines, especially computer systems, also known as Machine Intelligence. Specific AI applications include expert systems, natural language processing (NLP), speech recognition, and machine vision.

AI is a technology that is somewhat in use in multiple industries, like gaming, banking, commercial, retail, and government applications. AI technology is completely revolutionizing the manufacturing industry scenario. With the advent of technology and new advancements, the average use of AI is gradually increasing, which further helps the manufacturer use it at work.

AI has already made many inroads into manufacturing processes. Yet, it is looking like these will become super-highways within five years. In the Manufacturing Industry, AI technology-driven machines are now steadily creating the future for our betterment and ease of convenience. AI technology enables us to offer new and well-refined opportunities as well as enhance the efficiencies in production level.

As per the Statista, the global artificial intelligence software market is forecast to experience massive growth in the coming years. Concerning the manufacturing businesses and enterprises, the advent of technological advancement and (AI) is helping to reshape the primary and significant source of value creation, the formation of new plans of actions and business models, and the conveyance of value-added services like mass customization, product servitization, and predictive maintenance.

As AI turns out to be more common in different ways, and every aspect of the business, whether it is operations or management, investing in human resources will become essential and critical. Automation and Artificial intelligence will not replace human resources. Still, they will combine and consolidate their capabilities in more approachable and better ways to make new types of significant worth and opportunities. One of the most exceptional AI values will be the manufacturers that will identify how to empower through AI applications.

Due to technological advancement and mobile app development services, Industrial Revolution 4.0 is the umbrella term for the fourth industrial revolutions, mainly utilizing Digital advancements and tools that make a more grounded digital economy based on automated chores, which permits it to reconfigure how individuals and machines cooperate and collaborate to make the world as we experience it.

It empowers the makers to associate all machines, items, and administrations to a single network, and encourage Machine-to-Machine correspondence. The purpose is to make the data accessible to clients, providers, and different partners. 

AI leads the way for Smart Manufacturing and Maintenance

The implementation of AI for enhanced and efficient production and continuous maintenance is gaining traction as manufacturers realize the importance of AI in useful and adequate and timely identification and support of the production line and the technology’s role in reducing the downtime. 

A significant portion of costs is represented by the steadfast support of production line equipment. This can overload intensely on the primary concern of the asset-oriented production operation. Reports additionally demonstrate that producers record yearly unplanned vacation expenses of USD 50 billion, with 42% of the impromptu personal time coming about because of advantage disappointment.

Predictive maintenance

Predictive maintenance is another essential feature of using AI in the Manufacturing Industry, facilitated by Artificial Intelligence. Predictive maintenance helps to track both planned and unplanned downtimes easily and leverages machine learning and artificial neural networks to plan asset malfunction predictions.

The AI algorithms continuously assess the production process and flag anomalies (even little faults) to take timely maintenance and repair actions to reduce the risk of unplanned downtime. It can also help in prolonging the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) production machinery. 

AI algorithms enable the technicians and provide them an insight into the components that need an inspection with the minute-by-minute update on production gathered and studied by them. It also facilitates the pre-scheduling of maintenance tasks and focused repairs by suggesting suitable tools and methodologies.

Quality of production

Nowadays, with the advent of technology and changing environment, customers expect a more seamless process and faultless products that further put the companies in a situation of high pressure to fulfill the expectation and market deadlines in a short time. With the help of Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0 has opened a way to the new quality model that helps to exceed and fulfill the customer’s expectations. 

Traditional quality methods are combined with new-age technologies like big data, machine learning, and AI to achieve operational excellence. AI algorithms also enable us to alert the production teams about emerging faults like deviations from recipes, subtle abnormalities in machines’ functioning, and other such issues that can cause problems with product quality.

Generative Design Software

AI can also improve the way we design the products, as it can recommend solutions based on the detailed brief provided by the engineers and designers using generative design software (AI-powered software). The software can help process the complete summary, explore various permutations and combinations, and recommend the most excellent product options.

AI’s role in optimizing Supply Chain

In addition to product designing and manufacturing process, AI can also enhance manufacturing supply chains. The AI algorithms can study an individual’s behavior, weather, socioeconomic and macroeconomic, political status, and geographic patterns to formulate estimations for market demands. This information can help producers predict changes in the market and optimize energy consumption, inventory levels, the supply of raw materials, and staffing to better respond to the market changes. 

Here are how AI is transforming the manufacturing industry:

AI and robots have revolutionized mass production, which is one of the areas where they make the most significant impact. With technological advancement, Robots can keep on doing the same activity repeatedly, with less scope of error. Thus, Directed automation can help to provide a high level of quality assurance.

Round the Clock Production

Another critical aspect of implementing artificial intelligence in the manufacturing industry is round the clock production. One of the benefits is that Robots can work 24*7 and do not have the same human limitations. Due to this feature of limitlessness, robots can drastically expand businesses’ production capabilities and allow them to cater and scale up to the mass audience. 

Safer Environment for Production

Work environments, particularly in the manufacturing industry, are very hectic, bringing many safety concerns. With robots supplanting people, work environment mishaps will likewise go down since robots can’t commit similar errors or even make them on the same scale.

Lower Cost of Operation

The implementation of AI in the manufacturing industry leads to a lower cost of operation. Although the initial capital investment required to bring AI into any manufacturing industry segment will be significant, it will prompt considerable ROI in the more drawn outrun.

As computing power and innovative technological capabilities grow day by day, with AI manufacturers will make a quicker automated decision, realize vaster scalability, and facilitate faster and deeper product development. 

All this will contribute to the revenue of the company and lessen the operating costs – taking into account that AI is a one-time investment with lifelong returns.

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  • Shruti Bansal, a tech enthusiast, is Executive- Digital Marketing at Affle, a Mobile App Development Company.
    © 2021, Experfy Inc. All rights reserved.
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