Big Data Risks & Threats for Organizations in the 21st Century

Blog series

Today, every industry uses Big Data as a powerful tool to serve various different purposes.

It is very crucial for them to grasp the possibility that if deployed carelessly, the negative impact of its real possibility. This series shall discuss the negative impacts, major threats, and risks and how it can affect a business’s performance.

Big Data, Cloud & DevOps
How Big Data Can Cause Negativity

If there are pros to big data, there are cons too. The negative impact of big data is subtly hidden in the trail of digital traces we unknowingly leave. Anything that is unmonitored leaves an opportunity for exploitation. The same is the case with big data. While big data is not bad in itself, it can have undesirable effects if the people involved in its use have malicious intentions. It is time that individuals and organizations become aware of the value personal data and information holds and adopt a more transparent approach.

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Big Data, Cloud & DevOps
Five Common Biases in Big Data
Ready to learn Big Data Analytics? Browse courses like Big Data – What Every Manager Needs to Know developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Biases in big data, intentional or unintentional, can lead to erroneous judgments and inferior business outcomes. Today, businesses are aware that a huge part of their decision-making is
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Big Data, Cloud & DevOps
How Can Bad Data Hit Your Business Performance?

Bad Data or Poor Data means false information or inaccurate data that can be created by duplication of data, wrong formatting or by an uncomplicated error of typos. Bad Data can turn into an expensive mistake for your business. It can be a difficult problem to deal with. A recent survey shows that bad data costs companies an average of $9.7 million per year. Bad data and the problems that come with it are here to stay for now, and the only thing that we can do is deal with it.

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Big Data, Cloud & DevOps
How Outdated Technology Can Affect Your Business

Technology evolves at an alarming rate, so much so it seems almost pointless to make a push for the leading edge. By the time you adopt new technologies and systems into your business environment, there’s something new and more efficient coming along right behind it.  Applications or devices receive an official update, and you just have to take the time to configure. It’s easy to get caught up in either scenario, resulting in the regular use of outdated, inefficient technologies. But what you may not know is that this issue can have a profound impact on your business, productivity and workflow.

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Big Data, Cloud & DevOps
Major Hurdles in Big Data: Risks and Threats
In her white paper Big Data, Bigger Opportunities (April 2013), author Jean Yan, Program Manager at, U.S. General
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