Big Data, Cloud & DevOps

Unnatural DevOps Delivers Supernatural Results

While DevOps is not natural, a supernatural result is achievable with the right cultural transformation supported by good tools that drive collaboration and automated flow between people and tools in the application delivery workflow. Implementing DevOps properly is challenging. DevOps depends on collaboration; smooth process flow from conception through deployment; and feedback between people, processes and technologies. It’s more natural for people and departments to hoard information and centralize control—traits that are contrary to DevOps best practices. 

Ten Data Privacy and Encryption Laws Every Business Needs to Know

Every business needs to stay up to date on and comply with the latest encryption and privacy laws. Failure to comply will result in fines that can range upwards of tens of millions of dollars. But which laws do you need to comply with, and what do you have to do? For the sake of this article, we’re just going to focus on the regulations and laws that require encryption or reference the protection of encrypted data. These regulations and laws are sometimes called data encryption laws, data privacy laws or data protection laws.