Big Data, Cloud & DevOps

Does my business need Hadoop?

Hadoop is a technology that can help your organization in storing ample amount of data in your database, in any given form. Hadoop is technically a database management system that focuses on helping its users easily retrieve data and maintain it.

What’s big for big data for 2018

2018 will unleash a major disruption for the analytics and data management space. It will upend decades worth of accepted practices and introduce new winners and losers. At the center of the storm is the public cloud and the many implications it will have for big data.

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Forecast for Big Data Jobs in Healthcare

A number of factors are driving demand for big data professionals in hospitals, health insurance companies, medical device manufacturers and other healthcare organizations. Big data is changing healthcare in many remarkable ways. Here are some variables that are driving demand for big data solutions in healthcare.

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  • Big Data Basics for Tech Beginners

    If you find data science a tempting opportunity, you’ll benefit from this overview of big data basics for beginners. We’ll discuss what the requirements for jobs are and which skills you should master in order to start a successful data science career.

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    Working with Missing Data in Machine Learning

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Missing values are representative of the messiness of real world data. There can be a multitude of reasons why they occur — ranging from human errors during data entry, incorrect sensor readings, to

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    Big Data Have You Afraid? You’re Not Alone.

    Ready to learn Big Data Analytics? Browse courses like Big Data – What Every Manager Needs to Know developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Three Tips on Surviving the Coming Data Tsunami We are moving slowly into an era where Big Data is the starting point, not the end. – Pearl Zhu, Digital Master

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    The Four Deep Learning Breakthroughs You Should Know About

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. The First in a Series on Deep Learning for Non-Experts Why read this? To get started applying Deep Learning, either as an individual practitioner or as a organization, you need two things: The “what”: an

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    How Big Data Technology is Transforming Fraud Investigations

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. THE INSIDE STORY OF THE PARADISE PAPERS LEAK With more than 1,4 terabytes of data, the Paradise Papers is the illustration of the new possibilities for the fraud investigation world. Conducting investigations is

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    Attention Business Leaders: How Will You Be Disrupted?

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. With all the talk on “the street” about disruption in the various markets, from the auto industry to retail, it can be easy to act reactively and change too fast too soon rather

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    Pour Another Coffee! – Why ALL Businesses Will Become Data Businesses

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. In many of my conversations with CTO’s and CIO’s, throughout a breadth of business verticals, the most common themes I have been taking away sound something like: “our organization is behind and we need to

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    The Top 18 Security Predictions for 2018

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. What will happen in cyberspace in 2018? How will technology impact the real world over the next year? Once again, the cybersecurity industry is full of security predictions, trend reports, cyber forecasts, IT

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    2018: The year enterprise robotics software and services will reach $1.5 Bn

    Ready to learn Data Science? Browse courses like Data Science Training and Certification developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. When the statement “It’s just like BPR from twenty years ago, but with tech that actually works” rang out at the recent London FORA Summit, the nods around the room were palpable. 2017

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