5 Predictions: Impact Of AI And Automation On The Future Of Work(copy)

5 Predictions: Impact Of AI And Automation On The Future Of Work

AI and automation have been bringing dynamic changes into our world, and there is no denying that we will see more of such changes (to paraphrase, the future of work: robots). AI and automation affect almost every part of our lives, but the most impact has been made at work. How will automation affect society in the long run? Here are five predictions.

#1 AI and Automation Will Never Replace Humans Entirely

First and foremost, it is important to understand that neither AI nor automation will ever replace humans entirely. There are so many different factors that contribute to the conception, development, creation, manufacturing, etc. of various products and of their quality. It is simply impossible to rely completely on machines to do every single task.

For instance, matters concerned with creativity will probably stay with humans. It’s true that we already have AI composing pop songs and symphonies, but it is unlikely that people will stop doing it just because there are programs that can mimic existing musical pieces. The same goes for any other type of art or process requiring creative input (from business presentations to ad slogans).

#2 There Will Be More Collaboration Between Them

Another trend to expect is a collaboration between the two technologies. AI and automation are often talked about as something whole, but when it comes to details, it seems that they are discussed and applied more often separately than together. However, this can change in the near future as we will be developing both of them and finding new ways to combine the two.

At the same time, there will be more collaboration between these technologies and us humans. Many people probably consider AI and automation a threat because they can replace humans in many ways but finding tactics for collaboration can actually prove to be more productive. For example, you can translate texts with automatic translators.

#3 There Will Be More Opportunities in Different Fields

Speaking of positive changes brought on by AI and automation, there will be more opportunities in different fields brought on by them. These technologies will not only be taking away some jobs, but they will also be creating new ones, especially for those who develop Artificial Intelligence and automation tools in the first place.

When it comes to new opportunities, the discussion does not just center around job positions – it’s also about bigger changes for businesses. And AI and automation can definitely create them. For instance, they could significantly reduce costs for some companies allowing them to spend their budgets more smartly. Collaborations and partnerships can also become more intuitive thanks to AI selecting the best businesses for owners to connect with.

#4 There Will Be More Jobs Created for Humans to Fill

As mentioned above, one of the opportunities that AI and automation will create is the abundance of new jobs. But it’s one thing to make a counterintuitive claim like that and a completely different thing to actually get deeper into the matter and actually find out why this can be expected. After all, not everyone expects “new jobs” to be a benefit of AI and automation.

Data analysts, statisticians, social media specialists, software developers, and many others can expect to find more open positions thanks to AI and automation being implemented more widely (according to “The Future of Jobs 2018”).

#5 The Economy Will Change Dramatically

Last but not least, AI and automation will change the economy dramatically. These changes, as expected, will be both positive and negative. Because AI and automation will replace human employees, the unemployment rate for some specialists will grow – but because of new positions being created, other specialists will be more in-demand.

At the same time, businesses will be spending their budgets on technologies powered by AI and automation. Different industries will see further technological advancements while other more niche professions may completely die out. Countries with weak economies could potentially start developing much faster if they choose to use Artificial Intelligence and automation wisely. All of this will bring prosperity, but it is important to anticipate potential negative effects as well.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, AI and automation are definitely bringing some major changes, both positive and negative, to the workplace and to our private lives. It’s naïve to hope that they will only bring good things but getting ready for any possible bad effects they may have is possible and necessary.

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