How Startups Can Leverage IoT Apps For A Competitive Advantage

How Startups Can Leverage IoT Apps For A Competitive Advantage

As the digitization of people’s life has gained exponential momentum, the number of Internet-ready devices continues to grow, and in volume, they have already exceeded the population figure. According to Global Digital Report, there have been 4 billion Internet users all over the world until the end of last year, while at the same time, the number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices stood at a whopping 7 billion. Other statistics mention that the total number of connected devices is going to touch or cross 10 billion by the end of the current year. Thus, IoT apps are such an advancement that won’t even blur.

Naturally, IoT (Internet of Things), referring to the connected reality of devices, is experiencing exploding growth, and in the coming years, this growth rate is likely to become even more exponential. So, for app startups, IoT holds huge opportunities. Mobile app developers for startups can now build unique solutions by leveraging the possibilities of connected things. 

Here in this blog post, we are going to explain the business opportunities corresponding to IoT app development and how app startups can leverage the Internet of Things and shape unique solutions for different facets of life and industry requirements. 

Digging into the factors that shape the business opportunities of IoT apps

Since IoT devices have penetrated almost every segment of our life, along with most industries, the business opportunities are likely to be endless. No business, however hard it tries to stay aloof from the plodding digital reality around, can prevent the connected devices from influencing and impacting its business operation. Since connected things are almost everywhere, embracing IoT solutions is the smartest move for most businesses

In many crucial industry segments and business niches, IoT helps drive automation and streamline business processes. Thanks to IoT, manufacturing machines can generate rich data, allowing managers and experts to take a deeper dive into the evolving requirements in real-time. In the healthcare industry, providing more efficient remote healthcare became a reality, thanks to connected medical devices. From retail, to agriculture, to food processing, to dairy and aquaculture, to public transport and smart city solutions, IoT solutions have already penetrated every industry. 

Naturally, for app startups willing to take on the opportunity of this exploding connected-device market, the promise is motivating enough. According to even the most pessimistic estimates, the IoT market volume by 2025 is supposed to cross $1.5 trillion. IoT development no longer just refers to the bucket list of innovative tech projects; it is very much part and parcel of the everyday app development landscape. 

The cloud that connects the present and future

The entire everyday digital reality mostly revolves around mobile apps these days. At the same time, most unique and era-defining innovations take place with devices and gadgets. This is how the presence of the ongoing digital revolution connects the future of the same. In that sense, IoT apps bring the present and future together. 

For example, Beacons and location sensors connecting and relegating location data to mobile apps are transforming our digitized living as being hyper-localized. Similarly, the connected vigilance camera systems are automating public safety systems and security monitoring in homes, workplaces, and public places. Also, Internet-ready robotic hands are helping doctors and caregivers to have a real-time view of a patient’s improvement. 

How are the unique Internet-ready gadgets staying connected with the mobile apps that are helping to streamline the connected reality of devices? Well, cloud-based storage and cloud access to data in real-time without location and device constraints are playing a major role in making this IoT-led digitization possible. Multitudes of resources across the network are being orchestrated for carrying out functional responsibilities through the distributed data management of cloud computing platforms. In more than one way, cloud computing works as a bridge to connect mobile apps with the constantly evolving landscape of devices. 

Unique IoT app ideas for startups 

As of now, we must have understood that the opportunities for IoT apps are huge, and IoT-led digital innovation covers almost every walk of life and every industry niche we can think of. Now, we are going to explain some of the best and simple app ideas leveraging the IoT promises.

Healthcare IoT apps

Healthcare has been one of the major beneficiaries of the IoT revolution. From automating different medical procedures to improving remote patient care, medical IoT has already been part and parcel of technologically advanced healthcare practices.  

  • Remote Patient Monitoring: Connected patient monitors and health trackers accurately measuring vital signs and transferring the data to doctors and caregivers have transformed remote patient monitoring and remote healthcare.
  • Remote management and operations: In major healthcare facilities, IoT devices are extensively used to transfer data in real-time, easing remote operation and management. 
  • Streamlined billing process: The connected diagnostic equipment, Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems, and other equipment ensure smooth transferring of patient usage and other data to the respective authorities for a streamlined billing process. 

Manufacturing IoT apps

We already have the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) in place, referring to the connected devices and machines that ensure smarter automation for manufacturing and production.

  • Smart sensors in production facilities: A multitude of manufacturing machines equipped adequately with various sensors for measuring different quality parameters are helping to efficiently control the manufacturing process and keep track of the entire process right through a mobile app. 
  • High-quality 3-D printing: The connected 3-D printing machines that can be tracked and operated remotely through mobile apps have already revolutionized prototyping and model-creating processes in many manufacturing industries. 
  • Connected supply chain: In the manufacturing industry the connected sensors, modern location-tracking sensors, and remote tracking through barcodes have already revolutionized monitoring the movement of goods and warehousing. 

IoT apps for dairy and animal farms

Internet of Things (IoT) solutions are also helping dairy and animal farms to control the risks and unpredictable vulnerabilities in this sector by facilitating remote monitoring in the two particular ways mentioned below. 

  • Improving fertilization: The remote and timely monitoring of bovine symptoms, behavioral signs, and different physical metrics is helping dairy farms to have better control of animal fertilization and dairy production. 
  • Remote livestock health monitoring: The sensors and connected camera systems that constantly monitor livestock health and behavioral signs of livestock can help animal farms check the mortality rate, and improve livestock and better production. 

IoT Retail Apps

Another major beneficiary of Internet of Things (IoT) apps is the online retail and offline stores. From improving sales opportunities to ensuring better customer experience, IoT apps have revolutionized the entire retail sector in more ways than one. 

  • Beacons and Location tracking: Retail marketing has become hyperlocal and more context-driven, thanks to the IoT apps leveraging the advanced location sensors and technologies like Beacons and Geofencing; thus, luring customers just at the right time with the right offer. 
  • Connected mobile payment terminals: The connected mobile payment wallets and in-store terminals that allow customers to carry out shopping while processing their transactions happen automatically in the background. This is a nice example of an IoT-led retail payment application. 
  • Smart shelves and in-store cameras: The connected smart shelves helping customers with the buying process and personalized suggestions are the latest addition to the IoT acumen of retail stores. Similarly, the connected cameras that are constantly gathering data on customer product browsing behavior are helping retailers to take steps to showcase items and garner better sales.  

IoT apps for agriculture 

IoT apps have already penetrated the agricultural business by actualizing the promise of the remote monitoring of crops, soil conditions, weather tracking, and harvest conditions throughout the year. The field sensors and equipment sensors used in modern agribusiness farms have helped to utilize resources and carve out a far better product in a given time. Robotic farming is also gaining momentum to ensure far better remote control concerning harvesting and agri-production. 

IoT Banking Apps

The mobile banking apps, together with connected gadgets in modern banks and financial institutions, further speed up innovation in this entire sector. The connected payment processing terminals, cash dispensing, and cash deposit machines are very basic examples of how IoT can continuously help banks monitor people’s banking behavior and transactions. 

Connected IoT solutions in the banking sector are also playing a vital role in ensuring security by constantly tracking security threats and anomalies that are enough to cause threat perception. 


From all these examples, it is already clear that IoT apps in almost every sector have brought the revolutionary benefits of smart automation, awesome remote management, and remote control on safety and security measures. The IoT revolution is just now underway, and it is the right time for your app startup to jump on this bandwagon.

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