
So, What is This Blockchain Thing?

Ready to learn Blockchain? Browse courses like Blockchain for Finance Professionals developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. First in a series of blogs about blockchain technology and its  impact on business practices, corporate governance, and cybersecurity It’s hard to avoid articles, white papers, blog pieces and presentations that promote the almost magical use of

Four benefits of automating insurance interactions with AI

Ready to learn Insurance Analytics Training? Browse courses like Insurance Analytics Training developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Insurance began as a social good. Over many decades, however, consumer trust in the industry eroded as policies became increasingly complicated, insurers became more aggressive in resolving claims, and customer service suffered. Today, advancements

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2020 Outlook: How FinTech Transformed the Wealth Management Industry

Ready to learn Blockchain? Browse courses like Blockchain for Finance Professionals developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. The year 2017 was the most pivotal year for wealth management – technology startups shot themselves in the foot, empowering the next wave of transformation in one of the most asset-heavy segments. Taking their time to

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  • Decrypting the ICO

    Ready to learn Blockchain? Browse courses like Blockchain for Finance Professionals developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Understanding what’s going on with controversial “initial coin offerings” You’ve heard the hype about initial coin offerings (ICOs). You think there could be opportunity to win big with this new vehicle. You think it might also

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    Building smarter services on the blockchain

    Like their conventional counterparts, smart contracts define an agreement between parties that is binding. Payments from one party to another can be scheduled to process on a particular date, or triggered by a set of predetermined conditions. But while paper contracts are bound by law and subject to interpretation by legal professionals, smart contracts are secured by the blockchain.

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    Blockchain Could Make the Insurance Industry Much More Transparent

    A trust and efficiency engine like blockchain technology has the potential to drive radical change in the insurance industry while improving transparency and outcomes across the entire value chain. Intermediaries or “trust brokers” do not have to be written out of the equation — or disintermediated — as many blockchain enthusiasts argue. Rather, they can become early adopters of the technology. 

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    From Tech Titans To Blockchain Billionaires

    A growing cadre of people are recognizing that blockchain is in fact the “killer app” of the digital currency era, going as far as likening it to a foundational technology. A growing number of entrepreneurs and investors are crowding in to the blockchain space all seeking to answer the core question: “If blockchain could not exist without the internet, what could not exist without blockchain?”

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    Why Ethereum is outpacing Bitcoin

    While Bitcoin is currently trading at close to its all-time high, its dominance in terms of proportion of total cryptocurrency market cap is rapidly decreasing — ground largely given up to Ethereum. This shift is probably being driven by a few factors. Despite its recent appreciation in value, as a technology, Bitcoin has stagnated over the last three years. Two rival factions have emerged with violently opposing views on what should be done to allow the Bitcoin network to handle more transactions than it can right now. 

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    Is Machine Learning a Threat to the Actuarial Profession?

    Ready to learn Insurance Analytics? Browse courses like Insurance Analytics Training developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Man vs. Machine: 10 years ago, I would never have guessed that I would be writing about this topic with such serious concern. Yet, some people are predicting that machine learning technology will produce a jobless future

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    Please Tell Me, What is Blockchain and How Does It Work?

    Ready to learn Blockchain? Browse courses like Blockchain for Finance Professionals developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. People ask me frequently, “Please tell me, what is blockchain and how does it work?” I have been using various approaches and media answering this question, whiteboards, paper and even beer-coasters, and recently created a single page

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    Predictive Models

    Building Predictive Models for Customer Churn in Telecom

    Need Predictive Analytics Training? Browse courses developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Problem Description Consumers today go through a complex decision making process before subscribing to any one of the numerous Telecom service options — Voice (Prepaid, Post-Paid), Data (DSL, 3G, 4G), Voice+Data, etc. Since the services provided by the Telecom vendors

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