IoT & Automation

Why Iot Needs Machine Learning to Thrive

The question here is, why should one use machine learning for IoT. Here are two main reasons why machine learning is the most critical solution for the IoT universe. The first one is related to the volume of data and the automation opportunities, and the second one is the predictive analysis.

Biggest Challenges that IOT face in 2020

Here is the guide where we will explore the biggest challenges facing IoT in 2020 so you can decide how businesses should continue moving forward.

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How to Leverage Conversational Data from Connected Devices?

Using conversational analytics, it’s possible to get some valuable information for advancing business, improving public service, reducing operational costs, and, most importantly, increasing customer loyalty.

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  • Why Is Node.Js the Future of IoT Platforms All Around the Globe?

    Programming world doesn’t stop and consistently new technologies, tools and frameworks keep on emerging for settling various issues. IOT and Node.js are such big things which are inseparable. You generally should know about all the new things that show up, or else, you will remain behind.

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    Intelligent IoT Edge Computing

    The Internet of Things is becoming increasingly important both in the consumer as well as industrial markets. For the latter, a common characterization is Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). We might also find references to Consumer Internet of Things (CIoT). The availability of high bandwidth Internet connections especially with the emergence of robust 5G networks is giving rise to

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    Security of IoT Devices: Ways to Protect Yourself. Part 2

    It’s never late to become safe. As technology penetrates our lives and business deeper and more profound each day, so do risks associated with adopting hi-tech innovations. The Internet of Things (IoT) encomapses a wide range of smart devices, but they are not as intelligent as we would like them to be when it comes to cybersecurity. Check out what we’ve got to say on this issue.

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    Out-of-the-Box or from Scratch? Selecting Your IoT Project Strategy

    You need to automate your production facilities using the IoT and its vivid benefits. But how do you choose the right IoT strategy when there is plenty to choose from?”

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    Security of IoT Devices: Ways to Protect Yourself. Part 1

    One of the main security indicators of IoT devices is the ability to personalize a device without additional effort and expense (connect it to the network and enter access keys). In addition, code integrity and the ability to withstand attacks are important. Problems arise both on the part of users and manufacturers.

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    IoT in Manufacturing: How It Digitally Transforms the Industry

    Companies from various industries recognize the positive impact of the Internet of Things adoption and are willing to introduce innovations into their key processes to drive performance and scalability. In this article, we will discuss the five IoT trends in manufacturing that will dominate the industry this year.

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    What the FAQ are the IoT, IIoT, IoHT, and AIoT?

    There are so many new technologies bouncing around these days that it’s difficult to wrap one’s brain around all the terminology and abbreviations.this column is going to briefly introduce the concepts of the Internet of Things (IoT), the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), the Internet of Healthcare Things (IoHT), and the Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT).

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    TLS 1.3: Everything you need to know

    TLS 1.3 has myriad improvements over its predecessors, including a new handshake and revamped cipher suites. Before anyone points out that the IETF published TLS 1.3 as RFC 8446 almost a year ago – we know. We covered that. But we realized we hadn’t done an in-depth explainer of the new protocol version yet, and given

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    Momentum Builds for PSA Certified

    In these days of the Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial IoT (IIoT), and Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT), in which everything is connected to everything else, either directly or via the cloud, nothing can be assumed to be secure, but everything has to be guaranteed to be secure. The number of devices connecting to the Internet each year is growing

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