Big Data, Cloud & DevOps

The Impact of Python: How It Could Rule the AI World?

Some say Python is intuitive as compared to other programming languages. While others believe, it is due to the number of libraries Python offers that makes it suitable for all developers to use. Python’s power and ease of use has catapulted it to become one of the core languages to provide machine learning solutions. Moreover, AI and ML have been the biggest innovation so far ever since the launch of microchip, developing a career in this realm will pave a way toward the future of tomorrow.

Four Intelligent Automation Methodologies – One Objective

We shall focus here on methodologies that are trying to operationalize and realize the most important potential of Digital Transformation and Intelligent Automation. IA is achieved through Digital Process Automation. The four methodologies discussed in this article are quite complementary. There are commonalities, but they do require different skills. They all should be part and parcel of the overall meta-iterations within a concerted digital transformation effort. Each of these methodologies manifests itself in specific phases and iterations of continuous innovation. 

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Five Web Application Security Best Practices For 2020

Like all valuable things, however, a good website will naturally be a target for hackers, who can easily uproot your website with vulnerabilities. Web Applications are critical a resource and still the most favored resource for companies to project themselves and their products to a global audience. However at the same time it is vital that these applications are secure at all times and free from any attacks to get hacked and misused. For better clarity on web application security architecture, hire web app developer to keep things moving in the right direction.

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  • Ten Types of Phishing Attacks and Phishing Scams

    Phishing has evolved significantly since it first entered the scene. There is now a variety of phishing attacks targeting businesses each day. Some involve the use of emails and websites; others may use text messages or even phone calls. Attacks use these methods with the goal of getting users to provide personal or account information or to make wire transfer funds to fraudulent accounts. There are actually multiple types of phishing scams that businesses are targeted by on a daily basis. Here are 10 types of phishing attacks that can snare your business

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    What Might Work Look Like in 2030?

    Which jobs will likely be displaced by automation through 2030, as well as which jobs are likely to be created over the same period? A growing technology-based economy will create a significant number of new occupations which will more than offset declines in occupations displaced by automation.  However, while there may be enough work to maintain full employment to 2030 under most scenarios, the transitions will be very challenging – matching or even exceeding the scale of shifts out of agriculture and manufacturing we have seen in the past.

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    How Can My Business Make the Most Out of Analytical Resources and Skills?

    Advanced Analytics is the new frontier of competition and business success. While some businesses have the luxury of employing data scientists and professional analysts to help them sift through and analyze data, others do not have the budget or the structure to support these roles and, even those who employ professional data scientists do not have unlimited resources or budgets. With the growth of self-serve, Augmented Analytics, business executives can consider another alternative to complement existing data scientist staff or help fill the void of data experts in a smaller business.

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    Data Privacy in the Age of Big Data

    This article takes you to a deep dive into data privacy and urges you to keep up to date on what is happening in the privacy world — knowing where and how your data is used and protected by companies and governments is likely to become an important topic in the data-driven societies of the future. Learn how little privacy you have and how differential privacy aims to help.

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    Big Data is not so big: Data Science for small- and medium-sized enterprises

    In the past, Big Data was used primarily by big businesses, since they were the only ones who could afford the technology and channels used to collect and analyze the information. However, today, even smaller-scale businesses can take advantage of Big Data and Data Science by choosing the relevant information they might use for their specific needs, and selecting tools or teams that can accessed remotely and on demand. The importance of Big Data revolves around the specific insights it may bring to a specific business or an industry. 

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    Docker Best Practices for Data Scientists

    This article discusses about Docker images, containers, and volumes as also how to write a good Dockerfile, how to spin-up containers as a non-root user, how to do proper volume mounting in Docker and bonus tips to save the day. You will grow your confidence to look at Docker and it always pays off to know what you’re doing with Docker. Because if you’re not careful you can bring down a whole server and disrupt the work of everyone else whose working on that same machine.

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    What is Affective Computing?

    There are endless applications for affective computing in all aspects of life. Affective computing is the study and development of systems and devices that can recognize, interpret, process, and simulate human affects. It is an interdisciplinary field spanning computer science, psychology, and cognitive science. A motivation for the research is the ability to simulate empathy. The machine should interpret the emotional state of humans and adapt its behavior to them, giving an appropriate response for those emotions.

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    Top 10 medical wearables that enable doctors to care for patients remotely

    The healthcare of tomorrow will increasingly move into the patient’s home as health systems try to reduce pressure on hospitals. The critical part of these endeavours is using wearables to measure patient data remotely, allowing doctors to detect and solve medical problems before they escalate. Fortunately, healthcare professionals can choose from an array of sophisticated medical devices that track blood pressure, breathing, heart rate, hormones, and various other data points. And as the demand for these products increases, scientists and entrepreneurs are poised to come up with ever more sophisticated technologies and sensors.

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    The Complete Guide on Data Science

    Data science is an interdisciplinary field that refers to using algorithms, systems and mathematical equations to gain data, insights and knowledge from unstructured as well as structured data. To understand the natural phenomenon,  the professionals combine machine learning, data analysis and statistics altogether. Data science creates a significant impact on an enterprise’s ability to achieve business goals. Not matter if those goals are strategic, operational or financial, data science can reveal great discoveries through useful and meaningful data insights.

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