
Is Social Commerce The Future Of eCommerce?

Quite different from what you might expect, Gartner predicts that 20% of brands are likely to abandon their mobile apps by 2019 even though mobile usage is on a steady rise. This is because there has been a gradual change in the consumer behavior. Customers are now more plugged into social media, and it is essential for

Being Customer Centric

We are now in the era of the customer. The control around product development, customer access to information and customer engagement has gone from the brands to the hands of the customers. This means that the customers share their product reviews with the world, have access to competitive pricing information with a simple click, and drive product innovation and development at a demanding and breathtaking pace.

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Personalized Customer Analytics: The Key to the Future

Leading financial services companies do an excellent job of building products that leverage their scale of operations and access their vast customer base. Now they must flip that equation and instead of focusing on the similarities among their customers, they will need to focus on what is unique about each of their customers. To be successful in this new environment, they will need to understand individuals and predict what will be the best offer, at the right time and price, through the right channel.

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  • The Role of AI in Assisting Customer Experience

    Ready to learn Marketing analytics? Browse courses like Marketing Analytics: Text Analysis & Recommendation Systems developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. From being the plots of sci-fi thrillers to being seen as threats by the working populace, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has during the last few years jumped into the headlines as it has

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    Getting customer ‘intent’ data using AI

    Ready to learn Marketing & Customer Analytics? Browse courses like Marketing & Customer Analytics Training developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Intent data has been in discussion everywhere over the last few days. Whenever we got into a discussion with a prospect, the topic that has led to an exhaustive discussion has been “customer

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    The Role of AI in Assisting Customer Experience

    The future of AI and what it transpires into, lies in the hands of those controlling the characteristics that bind this innovation. We can now imagine and think of ideas which might have made you a laughing stock a few years ago. From a computer system playing chess with the masters to driverless cars, the possibilities associated with AI are many. Considering the high skill levels of machines with AI, the technology can be used in numerous fields to expand human capabilities, to optimize the use of resources, and to enhance productivity.

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    What’s Your Digital Transformation Story?

    ALL businesses are in need of digitization, with the vast majority eagerly trying to to find a digitization strategy and trusted partners to help them get there quickly. The time for digitization is now, and not making this a core part of your business’s strategy in 2018 is not just dangerous, it is fatal. The good news is, there are a lot of great partners out there to help you along, picking the right one is just another part of your Digital Transformation Story. HOW you tell that story, while understanding exceedingly changing industry environments, the data realities of the current condition today, and the human/machine capital needed to drive initiatives, is immensely valuable.

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    Rethinking the Decision Factory by Roger Martin

    Companies everywhere struggle with the management of knowledge workers. They compete fiercely to find and retain the best talent,E

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    Five Trends Shaping The Future Of Customer Experience In 2019

    Ready to learn Marketing & Customer Analytics Training? Browse courses like  Increase Cross Selling and Upselling of Products and Services developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. GETTY Before we get into my fifth annual piece on customer experience predictions, let me introduce myself to new readers. I started writing about customer experience

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    Fledgling Small Business: Don’t Get Bog Down!

    Ready to learn Business Intelligence Training and Certification Track? Browse courses like Mastering Data Visualization Using Tableau: From Basic to Advanced developed by industry thought leaders and Experfy in Harvard Innovation Lab. Every small business needs finance initially, which has been observed as the biggest obstacle while starting the business. Besides gathering funds, the critical aspect

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    Five Advertising Tactics That Help Influence Consumers

    Today’s marketers must compete against smart devices, geo-targeted advertising and a plethora of brand messages, in effect making consumer attention a limited and invaluable resource. Because of this, successful contemporary business leaders use technology and innovative practices to engage the right consumers at the right time. As the information universe expands, the value of consumer attention rises. Today’s marketers capture the attention of consumers using every available touch point, especially consumer mobile devices. The following sections highlight five tactics that marketers can deploy to influence consumers in the highly competitive business marketplace.

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    Dark data – the gap between you and customer experience

    While it’s true that data tends to decay over time, you always need to be sure that you are analyzing the right data. As marketers, while we become more and more inclined to a data-driven approach to enable customer experience, the key question to know is “Are we even looking at the right data?” (Or) “Do we have access to the right data?” Put yourself in the shoes of the customer and you’ll realize that most times, great CX need not always be about wowing the customer at every opportunity. 

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